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3 results returned
  • Ads Manager Fundamentals

    X’s Ads Manager is the all-in-one platform for activating campaigns on X. Building your competence with Ads Manager will help take your campaigns to the next level and reach your marketing objectives. This course will teach you the essential tools...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.5h
    • Rating 4.8
    • Beginner
    • Credential
  • #FirstLook Campaign Planner

    Campaign Planner is Twitter’s forecasting tool designed to make it easier for advertisers to make informed media investments on Twitter. Learn more about how to use this tool to better understand the size and cost of reaching a target audience...

    • Rating 4.3
    • Beginner
    • Credential
  • Timeline Takeovers and Reach Blocks

    When you’re planning an ad campaign to get everyone talking, reservable ad space gets the conversation going– on your schedule. This #FirstLook features Twitter’s premium, and newly expanded Timeline Takeover options that deliver exclusivity and mass reach, as well as...

    • Rating 5.0
    • Intermediate
    • Credential