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4 results returned
  • Ads Manager Fundamentals

    X’s Ads Manager is the all-in-one platform for activating campaigns on X. Building your competence with Ads Manager will help take your campaigns to the next level and reach your marketing objectives. This course will teach you the essential tools...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.5h
    • Rating 4.8
    • Beginner
    • Credential
  • Conversion Tracking

    Conversion tracking allows you to track the actions a user takes after viewing or engaging with your ads on X. In this course, we'll guide you through how to set up your X Pixel or Conversion API so that you...

    • Path
    • Duration 30m
    • Rating 4.9
    • Intermediate
    • Credential
  • Website Traffic & Sales Campaigns

    Learn how to effectively generate website traffic and encourage users to take action, whether that's making a purchase, subscribing to your service, or filling out a contact us form. We'll walk you through campaign setup, conversion tracking implementation, and best...

    • Path
    • Duration 1.2h
    • Rating 5.0
    • Intermediate
    • Credential
  • X Product Tutorials

    Learn how to use Twitter's latest ad products and features directly from the Twitter Ads team. Get step-by-step guidance and best practices for creating effective campaigns that achieve your marketing goals. Perfect for both new and seasoned Twitter advertisers.

    • Path
    • Rating 4.5
    • Beginner